Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Noise Makers

 These instruments ARE LOUD can output 120 decibels of sonic power, so if you need to be heard at your next sporting event, this is the noisemaker for you. Air horns run out, megaphone batteries run dry, but as long as there's breath in your lungs, this stadium horn won't be silenced. Perfect indoors and out, on the soccer field, in the football stadium, or on the sidelines at a rowing or cross country event. You'll will
be heard!

                      Get your noisemakers now at Poker Supplies always low prices and fast service use this link
Happy Holidays everyone!

Party Supplies

Pink 3 Tier Cupcake Stand, 14in Tall by 12in Wide

Let's be honest, the sun has set on plain old sheet cakes, so don't let your party fall as flat as your dessert ! Add a couple dozen cupcakes to a cupcake stand, and suddenly your decorating is versatile and vertical. Add cupcakes in a single color for an elegant, monochromatic display, or fill the stand with a full rainbow of colors and flavors for an eye-catching party centerpiece. Even better: no forks, knives, or plates required.

Get your party supplies now and get ready for the holidays always low prices and fast service at 

       Poker Supplies use this link Happy  Holidays !